Chamadas para Propostas

2ª Formação de Serviços de Eficiência Energética em Moçambique


We will accept a broad range of presentations, from reports on academic and commercial projects to tutorials and case studies. As long as the presentation is interesting and potentially useful to the audience, it will be considered for inclusion in the programme.

Talk Intro

What is your talk about?

Speaker Profile

Who will give this talk? We will show this to attendees to showcase your talk.

Contact Information

How can our team get in touch with you?

Tipos de Conversas

  • Regular Talks. These are standard talks with slides, alocated in slots of 60 minutes.
  • Lightning Talks. These are 30 minutes talks on many different topics. Most topics are accepted in lightning talks.

Acordo de Submissão

Exigimos falantes para aceitar um acordo em que se comprometem a:

  • Liberação oportuna de material de apresentação (slides),                                      para publicação em nosso site.
  • Permitir vídeo e gravação de áudio da sua                                      apresentação, para publicar no nosso site.